Thursday, April 28, 2016


This postcard exercise was a very important exercise because it gives you experience in all 3 design softwares. You are able to learn how to create clipping paths in Photoshop, which I now use for almost everything. I also got much better practice on creating illustrations on Illustrator. Finally, I got better sense of creating a well organized hierarchy layout in InDesign. It is a great exercise in design communication because like I said with InDesign you get a much better sense of organized hierarchy.
Without organized hierarchy you are not able to communicate with your audience your personality.

I used a reddish burgundy color in my postcard because it matched my shirt and my hair. This created unity on my postcard between the background and my photo. With this unity of the photo and the background it gives a sense of balance to the assignment. The fonts I used were Marydale and Swister. I used these two fonts because they were very playful and bubbly while being serious at the same time. This represents my personality very well, it communicates that like my font I am very playful and bubbly, but when I need to be serious I am all about business.

While creating this you really have to focus on design hierarchy and I did just that. For this I made the text and my picture the same size to create a sense of balance between the two items. I also created a box out of graphics around the text and my picture. On the left and the right I put faders and I made it so they were the opposite of each other, one slider was at the top of the line and the other was at the bottom of the line. For the top I put my title and name while at the bottom I had a sound wave that while at different levels, creates very nice balance between it and the title. I also created one thin line that my picture rested on to make it not look like a floating head and connected my sound wave graphic with everything else. My hierarchy did work. Everything flows very nice throughout the postcard and it is very organized.

One element from Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator was required for this assignment, I think it was to get us all more familiar with the softwares. In a world of communication you really need to know how these three softwares work. With this assignment we got more away from basic, simple elements of these softwares and more into intermediate level design elements. These elements we used, such as creating a clipping path, have been very useful and actually would have improved my other assignments had I known how to create one when we were doing them.

All of the assignments we have created during this semester has been useful, but this assignment has taken our basic level design to the intermediate level design. We focus more on design hierarchy and how to keep balance throughout your designs. We are now able to communicate through our designs much more effectively.

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