Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Brochure Topics

Three topics that are somewhat underrated that really need to be addressed are going green, illegal immigration, and volunteering at local food banks. These three topics were really big a couple years ago, but now they have dropped under the radar without being fully addressed.

Going Green

Green stands for G- generate less waste, R- recycle everything that cannot be reused, E- educate the community on eco-friendly options, E- evaluate the environmental impact of actions, N- nourish discussions and activities that integrate environmental education into existing curriculum. This topic has been current because as time progresses we use more and more of our natural resources we need to be more conservative. Going green will never not be current, because we will always be dealing with natural recourses and their conservation. If we give more information on the topic we can extend our recourses as long as possible, but many people aren't going green. With this information people will realize what is happening to our environment they might consider going green.

Volunteering at Local Food Pantries

Organizations like Feeding America our great examples of how you can get out and help your local community. Feeding America has been helping deal with the hunger crisis for 35 years by providing to food to food banks all throughout the country. Feeding America has become the nations largest domestic hunger relief organization, with a network of 200 food banks. With these food banks Feeding America feeds 46 million people at risk of hunger. This is current because people every day deal with hunger and everybody should do their part to help feed some of those starving people. It is so very important that people should not go hungry, especially young children and the elderly, because they need their strength more than ever. If we all donated a few canned good items, that have probably been sitting in our pantry for months now anyways, we could make a huge difference for the people who don't have the luxury to let canned food sit on their shelves for months at a time. 

Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration is something that has been happening in our country for years, but has become more of a recent issue because of the presidential election. Each presidential candidate has a strong opinion on the matter, but the fact of the matter is even though their immigration is illegal it benefits our economy. Illegal immigration benefits the US economy through additional tax revenue, expansion of the low-cost labor pool, and increased money in circulation. This immigration is also an example of following the American Dream of freedom and bettering a persons life. If we deny their entry into the states we are hypocrites denying them the same dream we all have. This thought illegal immigration is just a form of racism, we don't want "these people" coming into our country, eating our food, stealing our jobs, but we were once in a form "these people" when our ancestors first came to America. This needs to be properly addressed because people don't think about the facts when it comes to this, they immediately jump to "these people" mind set.

We need to really think about these three topics and not just go off what we heard from someone else. These problems are not going to go away any time soon unless we bring the proper attention to them and get people all the facts. With brochures we can get some of the vital information out and give people resources to find out more information on their own, and possibly make a difference.

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